首页> 外文OA文献 >Dynamics of nest defense in the Mediterranean labrid fish Symphodus ocellatus (Forsskål, 1775). I. Agonistic behaviour between nesting territorial male and five other labrid species

Dynamics of nest defense in the Mediterranean labrid fish Symphodus ocellatus (Forsskål, 1775). I. Agonistic behaviour between nesting territorial male and five other labrid species

机译:地中海lab鱼Symphodus ocellatus巢防御的动态(Forsskål,1775年)。一。嵌套领地雄性和其他五个唇形物种之间的激动性



This research in the field consists of a study of interspecific agonistic behaviour of territorial male in Symphodus ocellatus. This behaviour is useful for brood and nest defense.Four questions involving Symphodus ocellatus towards S. tinca, S. mediterraneus, S. roissali, Thalassoma pavo et Coris julis were investigated. The questions of interest were: (1) aggressors or intruders motivations (predation of the brood (a) and/or territorial conflicts (b)), (2) the recognition of this or that species (recognition studied with selective attacks by territorial male), (3) the organ(s) of perception used for this recognition and (4) the importance of territorial male investment in nest defense; this role could ensure a successful reproduction of the species.Our observations and experimentations (tested labrid fishes presented to T. males) allow us to affirm that in S. ocellatus, nesting territorial males recognize the various tested labrid fishes; that the organ of perception used for social recognition is the visual channel; that spawn protection insured by territorial male, a task guided by his visual system, is necessary towards menace of his congeners, but also the other fishes living in his habitat.Nevertheless, if it’s becoming clear that the Mediterranean labrid fishes have the ability to recognize and preferentially interact with particular individuals, the answer of the question 1, concerning aggressors motivations, is not yet clearly known.
机译:该领域的研究包括对鳞翅目沙门氏菌属中雄性种间激动作用的研究。此行为对于巢巢和巢巢防御是有用的。调查了涉及鳞翅目的Symphodus ocellatus对S. tinca,S。mediterraneus,S。roissali,Thalassoma pavo和Coris julis的四个问题。感兴趣的问题是:(1)侵略者或入侵者的动机(种群的掠食(a)和/或领土冲突(b)),(2)对该物种或那个物种的识别(识别是通过对雄性的选择性攻击而进行的。 ),(3)用于识别的感知器官,以及(4)领地男性在巢穴防御中的投资的重要性;我们的观察和实验(将经试验的唇形鱼类呈递给霸王龙的雄性)使我们得以肯定,在S. ocellatus中,筑巢地区的雄性会识别出各种经试验的唇形鱼类。用于社会认可的感知器官是视觉渠道;由雄性保护的产卵保护是一项由他的视觉系统指导的任务,对于威胁其同类动物以及生活在其栖息地的其他鱼类是必不可少的。尽管如此,如果地中海暗纹鱼类能够识别并优先与特定个体互动,关于攻击者动机的问题1的答案尚不清楚。



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